- cognitive complexity
- • когнитивная сложность• комплексность когнитивного процесса• сложность когнитивного процесса• целостность когнитивного процесса
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине. 2013.
Cognitive complexity — Psychology Cognitive psychology Perception … Wikipedia
Cognitive Complexity Theory — Cognitive complexity is a psychological characteristic or psychological variable that indicates how complex or simple is the frame and perceptual skill of a person. A person who measures high on cognitive complexity tends to perceive nuances and… … Wikipedia
Cognitive style — or thinking style is a term used in cognitive psychology to describe the way individuals think, perceive and remember information. Cognitive style differs from cognitive ability (or level), the latter being measured by aptitude tests or so called … Wikipedia
Cognitive infocommunications — (CogInfoCom) investigates the link between the research areas of infocommunications and cognitive sciences, as well as the various engineering applications which have emerged as the synergic combination of these sciences. The primary goal of… … Wikipedia
Cognitive miser — is a term which refers to the idea that only a small amount of information is actively perceived by individuals when making decisions, and many cognitive shortcuts (such as drawing on prior information and knowledge) are used instead to attend to … Wikipedia
Когнитивная сложность (cognitive complexity) — К. с. первоначально определялась Джеймсом Бьери как «тенденция истолковывать соц. поведение в многоаспектной (многомерной) манере». Его операциональное определение этого понятия основано на Тесте репертуарных решеток ролевых конструктов Джорджа… … Психологическая энциклопедия
Cognitive Constraints on Compositional Systems — Fred Lerdahl s Cognitive Constraints on Compositional Systems cites Pierre Boulez s Le Marteau sans Maître (1955) as an example of a huge gap between compositional system and cognized result, though he could have illustrated just as well with… … Wikipedia
Complexity — For other uses, see Complexity (disambiguation). In general usage, complexity tends to be used to characterize something with many parts in intricate arrangement. The study of these complex linkages is the main goal of complex systems theory. In… … Wikipedia
Cognitive Load Theory — Die Cognitive Load Theory (CLT) ist eine Theorie der kognitiven Belastung beim Lernen. Sie wurde von John Sweller und Paul Chandler aufgestellt. Die CLT geht davon aus, dass Lernen mit kognitiver Belastung verbunden ist, und beschreibt, wodurch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
complexity — /keuhm plek si tee/, n., pl. complexities for 2. 1. the state or quality of being complex; intricacy: the complexity of urban life. 2. something complex: the complexities of foreign policy. [1715 25; COMPLEX + ITY] * * * ▪ scientific theory… … Universalium
Cognitive load — The term cognitive load is used in cognitive psychology to illustrate the load related to the executive control of working memory (WM). Theories contend that during complex learning activities the amount of information and interactions that must… … Wikipedia